EIB is the intelligent building installation system that meets the highest standards, being both future-orientated and highly flexible. EIB provides increased security, economic efficiency, convenience and flexibility, whether in office buildings, industrial plants or residential properties. Functions such as lighting, shutter control and heating can be individually adapted to the requirements of the user. Later changes can be easily implemented.
Switching and control – wherever you are
With EIB, you can carry out all the required functions from any location in the building. It is also possible to operate the installation remoterly, for example via a mobile or the Internet. If several functions are to be executed using a single command, this can be implemented without problem. With central commands and user-defined procedures, all the shutters can, for example, be raised simultaneously, the constant lighting control activated and each room regulated to a separate temperature; all with a single push button action.
Automation required?
In building installations using EIB, functions are not only executed via direct manual operation. Using “closed-loop” control systems, the user can preselect an individual daily profile for the room temperature or the room lighting level can be constantly regulated to a required value. Time programs are recommended for regularly recurring events. Shutters and blinds can be raised automatically should the wind become too strong. ABB i-bus® EIB monitors the building and can isolate, for example, electrical circuits in the event of a fire or monitor the energy consumption.
Security around the building
With EIB, professional security functions can be integrated into the building installation. A security control panel manages all security-related signals and triggers alarms. The security control panel can also be conveniently operated via EIB. Signals can be displayed at any location or printed out via a logging printer.
You are kept informed…
EIB makes it possible for current information about the building installation to be displayed continually. You can see at a glance in which rooms the lights are switched on or which doors and windows are open. Measured values can be shown on a display and alarm signals inform you about possible dangers in your building. If someone has forgotten to switch the light off, you can simply switch it off from the display terminal, without even having to walk up the stairs.
Changes implemented in a flash
The office has become a conference room? The top floor has been turned into a separate flat? The functions of the building installation need to be modified? Modifications such as these can easily be
implemented with EIB. You simply need to reprogram and the functions are already adapted to the new conditions. From a distance You can monitor your building via the telephone or the Internet. This is the best way to remain constantly informed….
EIB – one system has won through
EIB corresponds to the European system “European Installation Bus” (EIB for short) which in the meantime is being used all over the world. Since the EIBA (European Installation Bus Association) merged with two other European organizations to form the Konnex Association, has become the new standard in building technology.
Basic principle
With EIB, electrical loads are not switched directly in the circuit with switches and push buttons as in conventional electrical installations (see Diagram 1). Commands are sent instead from sensors (e.g. electronic push buttons) on a twin-core data cable and are received by actuators. The actuators then execute these commands, for example by switching the circuit (see Diagram 2).
What does that mean in practice?
Electrical installations with EIB offer the user numerous advantages:
- Electrical loads can be switched independently of the electrical circuit (e.g. the light in the hallway can be operated from the lounge or from elsewhere in the house).
- Electrical loads can be switched by several sensors without complicated two-way circuits or remote-control switches.
- Functional associations between actuators and sensors can be modified at any time and adapted to individual requirements. All the functions can be programmed so that they run automatically. Logic operations can also be created (e.g. if the brightness level drops below a specific value after 18:00, all the shutters are lowered and the light in the hallway is switched on).
- The switching states of electrical loads can be displayed.
Sensors and actuators
Sensors are, e.g. :
push buttons and switches
room thermostats
movement sensors
time switches
binary inputs
zone terminals
current modules
analogue inputs
Actuators are, e.g. :
binary outputs
light controllers
shutter actuators
universal concentrators
display units
European Installation Bus! Quit interesting.
EIB interesting
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